I trust my heart in making decisions.
I work with likeable, competent, collaborative people.
I confront verbal abuse with, “What did you just say?”
I develop opinions of all people based on how they treat others.
I represent me in all of my dealings, and I do so consistently.
I value self-respect and soul purpose over profit and security.
I learn from the flow and the challenges, and I treat them both the with respect.
I reject blame, confusion, mind-reading, defining, controlling, arrogance and judgment. Mean people suck, and I won’t waste my skills supporting them.
I use my influence and skills to support the people and things that I believe in.
I admit mistakes, am gentle with myself while I am learning, and I strive to become more competent in areas that represent my strengths and giftings.
I contribute where my talents are recognized and valued.
I express my known’s with confidence and ease.
I don’t try to be what I’m not.
I demonstrate my character by living in alignment with these principles.